Monday, February 18, 2013

"EE Your Shout" February 2013 Update 2

A few more weeks have passed and more emails suggesting I take part in a few more surveys with a possibility of more rewards/prizes... Why not?

And just so you guys see what it involves a snapshot of the latest one....

(What my account main page shows)

Simples really!

Friday, February 8, 2013

"EE Your Shout" February 2013 Update

A quick log into the T-Mobile aka EE Your Shout forum shows numerous surveys ready to do (with an chance of winning more things)

Under the lab link T-Mobile are asking for a potential advert review

And the link showing past winners!

"EE Customer Survey" 4G Coverage Checker Part 2

A couple of days have since passed and after a couple more posts/comments on what was said previously, no further tasks have appeared.  Instead I have a thank you email and an Amazon voucher email...

Now that's another £20 to the £70 from the last task I already have...
Really need to start planning what to buy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"EE Customer Survey" 4G Coverage Checker

Another few weeks have passed and again another email asking for a 'closed' participation into the new 4G Coverage Checker on their website, starts Tuesday and finishes Wednesday for a £20 Amazon voucher... Why not......

Yeah, they picked me this time. :-P

The first topic's up and it's a simple 5 minute look at their new coverage checker and writing up a quick paragraph:

Sub-Forum Title - "Testing our coverage Checker"
Post title "Your initial thoughts"
We’d love your feedback on our updated coverage checker. Please take a look either today or tomorrow and give it a review. Taking part will earn you a £20 Amazon voucher.
To start with, we’d like to know:
•    Your first experiences with the checker. How you used it, and what you were looking for
•    What you think is working well (both in the way it works and the information it provides)
•    What you think still needs improving (both in the way it works and the information it provides)
Once you’ve written your review we’ll also ask you a few follow up questions, which you’ll need to have answered by the end of Wednesday. Thanks for taking part, we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Fast forward a day and another follow up email:

A couple more topics have been created:
Post title "Coverage in your area"
How easy was it to understand what you could and couldn’t do in your area? (thinking about calls, texts and internet) Is there anything you still feel unsure about?  Tell us about it.

Post title "Accessing 4G Services"
We'd also like to know what you would do next in order to access 4G services. How clear is the coverage checker in showing you what to do next?

I wonder if that's it or if I have to check again tomorrow night...
(If so too bad as it's Orange Wednesday" which means I'll probably be out!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"EE Customer Survey" Follow-up

Since the Roving Reporter tasks for T-Mobile aka EE recently, I've had a few more emails asking for participation in their on-line reviews (some paid [if selected] some not.)

Too bad I never noticed the following one till after the deadline - could had got some free Angel / Devil Headphones as payment (RRP approx £100!)

And boohoo they never picked me for the following task, although I was busy at work anyway!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"EE Customer Survey" (Part 5)

Checked yesterday and the sub-forum entitled Roving Reporters had disappeared from the main site.
Fast forward a day and in my emails is a nice one titled "Thanks for being Our Roving Reporter!"

Roll on the next email(s) containing my amazon vouchers, now comes the hard decision - What to spend it on?! Or save up and use it when I actually wanna buy something?

It would also be good to see how the pricing structures change?
Hopefully 4G will get cheaper and a truly unlimited data package gets released....

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Provider name changed to EE

After a week of completing surveys and mystery shopper based work for EE (aka Orange and T-Mobile) and watching/reading about friends and other people's phone showing EE as their network provider for about a month, I finally got a message that my phone was ready for the change as well.

Before is a snapshot of the text message explaining their combination into EE about a month ago and finally the message I received today.

So before restarting the phone, my network provider was Orange and T-Mobile

Which changed to the combined EE after a quick restart...

Now to see what changes it actually does, and whether or not my internet radio streaming in the car keeps buffering due to the loss of signal of one network when it tries and connects to the other!