As Ray Sum's now taken the laptop back I can't test it further and write more on the topic so as a quick de-brief I've attached some photos of typical crash screens!
Typical screen garble and 'BSOD' "blue screen of death" after typical use!
This new messages only occured after changing physX settings and running DxDiag BUT NOT COMMON therefore I'll put these to a once off for now!
My next steps of attack would be to maybe test the system in a LIVE CD environment using Ubuntu to see if it's simply Microsoft/Windows based drivers causing the issue or the actual graphics card!
I did try to do this using the 32 and 64bit versions of the Ubuntu 8.04 LTS disc I had but they simply wouldn't boot - goes to a DOS styled prompt after the initial GUI screen asking if I wanted to try the LIVE environment, install, test memory etc etc!
After that, backup to USB stick (or other external memory / storage deviice) the existing Nvidia drivers after noting their versions and installing a fresh new set (firstly trying the Toshiba listed ones then the latest set(s) off Nvidia's website.)
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